Thursday, October 26, 2006

Part of why I left Ortho was because I was scared one day soon my back's going to give up. So I moved to Tele, and my back gave out anyway. I hurt my back while picking a patient about to code. It was probably adrenalin rush, I did not feel the pain right away. I did not feel any strain that would spark the urge to do an incident report. It started hurting after I got home and by morning I could not move without a grunt or a wince.

It was a case of a real bad muscle strain. So I went to employee health, got a bunch of Ibuprofen and did an incident report. It was less than 24 hours. I took a three day rest and by yesterday, I was off the pain meds and back to work. Today however, without any provocation my back started to hurt again. It wasn't the cramping, tight pain I was feeling previously but shooting pain on my right lower back. in a matter of minutes I was crying, it was excrutiating. So I went back to employee health only to be informed that they can't send me to the ER because my "claim" was denied because of late reporting. it was less than 24 hours I said. But there wasn't anything she can do, she said. That's policy. I was never even offered any pain medication, I was sent back up to my unit so I can go home.

I was appalled. I work in a hospital and I cannot even get care when I needed it. I devote more that 40 hours of my time week after week, sometimes coming in even when I wasn't feeling well, spending my holidays in patient care even if i don't get any extra pay for it (yes, walang holiday pay!). Talk about taking care of your employees. That's the big difference in the healthcare system between the Philippines and the US. I remeber presenting just my employee ID at Makati Med ER and I did not have to pay anything. I wasn't even a Makati Med employee.

Are all hospitals here in the US like that?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I'm on a Hydrocodone high

and I don't like it one bit!

My roommate had a few tablets of Vicodin from her previous oral surgery and since my back would not get enough relief from plain Ibuprofen, I decided it was time for the Vicodin. I took 1 pill, and now I wish I didn't.

It was the weirdest feeling. I felt my body relax but it wasn't the kind that was comforting nor comfortable, it was uneasy. I felt my head balloon and then came the dizzinness, the nausea and culminated with my head in the toilet bowl.

My head still feels like a damn bobblehead. And I swear, I'm never taking anything with Hydrocodone again. Well, at least if I can help it.

Monday, October 2, 2006

just anotehr day

I saw his face and it was as white as paper. I knew at once something was wrong. He tried to deny it as I thought he would but the distress in his face gave him away. I proceeded to check him out and his numbers were all out of whack, I had to do something. I need to do something right away or it will be too late. I made the call....."Angel, get in here!" Before I could mutter another word the team was there and everyone sprang into action. We were calm but we knew every single action could spell life or death. As Dayna and Chloe wheeled him towards the elevator, I was saying a silent prayer. Please God, let him live. It was a weird calm and chaotic when we got there. It did not take alot of time before things started settling down. I asked him again how he's feeling and he said "lousy" in that tone I remember so well. And I thought to myself "he's back".

Mr. S got himself a temporary pacemaker, and we saved yet another life. Thank you God.